
Share ownership

Avio’s paid-in capital is divided in 26,359,346 shares without face value.
Avio has been listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, on the STAR segment, since the 10th of April 2017 following the business combination with Space2, S.P.A.C. owned by Space Holding.
The Avio managers’ fully owned investment company, “InOrbit”, is among the main shareholders with 4% of the total share capital.

Leonardo 29.63%
Cobas AM** 9.05%
CGN Futuro 7.37%
Space Holding 4.08%
InOrbit (Management) 4.03%
Delfin Sarl 3.79%
Treasury shares 4.14%
Floating* 37.91%

*Computed as the residual part of the shares not owned by the shareholders represented in the table above

Following the authorization granted by the Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 2019, in August 2019 Avio has started an independent share buyback program concluded by October 2020.
A second share buyback program has been authorized by the Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 2021, in February 2022 Avio has started an independent share buyback program to be concluded by October 2022.

A new shares buyback program has been authorized by the Shareholders’ Meeting held in April 2024, to be concluded by October 2025

